Sunday, October 4th
Genesis 2:18-24. Hebrews 2:9-11

The Father, Lord and God Most High, calls His sons and daughters to the joy and glory of His Presence in time and through eternity. And He seeks to make His glory reflect His Being and unite those faithful in His love both with Himself and with each other. So all who are in Him become one in the fulness of eternity. So live, so love, beloved sons and daughters of the Most High.

As the one and many identify with the Son of Man, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate and follow in His steps even through pain and suffering, so are they brought to perfection and fulfilment in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love, in the fulness of eternity.

Seek the humility of the child as you follow in the way of the Father’s suffering, triumphant Son.