Sunday, March 31st
Easter Day
Acts 10:34-43. Colossian 3:1-4. John 20:1-9

Sing ‘hallelujah’ now and always, alone and in the fellowship of meeting. Praise, praise the Father, Most High God and Lord of All for He has led captivity captive and opened up the gates of heaven to all believers through the self-giving of His beloved and loving Son.

Pray ‘maranatha’ , ‘come, Lord, come’ and let the King of glory come into your heart and mind : the Son of Man has conquered sin and death that you may come into the Presence of the Most High through My death and risen life and through My life in you and your turning and receiving the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate.

Follow the Son of Man as Our Holy Spirit leads and guides in the grace and power of My indwelling: such is the will and loving purpose of the Most High, Lord of one and all . I, beloved and loving Son of the Most High am the Resurrection and the life, Sing, pray and follow. And rejoice!