Sunday, March 10th
Joshua 5:9, 10-12. Luke 15:1-3,11-33

Receive and give, that you may come to the fulness of the Father’s will for you. Give and receive that you may come to the fulness of His love for you and respond according to His will and loving purpose.

Each and every one born into the world is a beloved child of the loving heavenly Father, cherished in and through His love from the beginning, sustained and fostered through His gifts to nurture and progress in the way He leads and guides
And when the child and children of he Father’s love choose to turn aside from the way offered He calls constantly and lovingly to each and every one to return to the hope of the high calling to His forgiving and fulfilling Love, and he calls one and all to rejoice with Him in the fulness of eternal life and everlasting love.

I, the Father’s word and love incarnate am The Way, The truth, The Life.