Monday, June 3rd
2 Maccabees 7:1-2,9-14 Matthew 5:12

Life is full of hope and promise for all who seek the Father’s will and do it in the strength and power of Our love. The humble and the true of heart who give themselves in faith and trust to the Father’s will and loving purpose are already in eternal life and make progress in the way of perfection and fulfilment in eternity as they continue obedient to the Father’s Word and faithful in His Love.

The way is often challenging and demanding for the faithful: many encounter pain and, not infrequently, death. But those responsive to the Father’s Word and faithful in and through His Love who seek to follow in the steps of the Son of Man are strengthened, encouraged and inspired in the knowledge that I came and I come that all may have life and have it in abundance.

The Word of the Father is also His dynamic Love in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love already established in His created world. True joy is experienced and fully known only in the faithful and the true of heart who seek the Father’s will in and through the grace and power of Our indwelling.