Friday, June 14th
1 Corinthians 4:7-15. Matthew 5:27-32

You have received the light of Our Presence, the knowledge of the Father’s glory and the power of His love. Be faithful, then, in all things, constantly committed to His will and loving purpose. I speak to every one responding to the Father in the grace and power of His love.

In thought, in word and action and relationship let the purity of Our word and the dynamic of Our Holy Spirit lead and guide you that you require nothing save that the Father’s will be done. And pray…….

…….Pray for knowledge and the understanding of the words of My faithful servant Paul, ‘ ……We know that all things work together for good for them who love God’, and to be brought to perfection in the image of the Father’s Love and Word Incarnate through your self-giving and the grace and power of Our indwelling. (Romans 8:28-30).