Friday, July 19th
Exodus 11:10-12.14. Matthew 12:1-8

The Son of Man, with Father and with Our Holy Spirit, is Lord of all the earth and of all things created. ’Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?’(Genesis 18:25): the Father is loving, kind and compassionate towards all the sons of men, So is the Son of man who gave Himself that all might have life to the full in and through Our Holy Spirit. Seek the priority of the will and loving purpose of the Father in all you think and say and do and follow in the steps of the Son of Man, led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

So will the loving Father’s will be fulfilled in you and in all who give themselves in faith and trust and love to the Lord of all in heaven and earth. And the Kingdom of the living, loving God will grow and prosper in the created world and more and more of those born into the world will be given to glorify the Father and – with all made perfect in Our love - come to perfection and fulfilment according to the will and loving purpose of Him who loved them into being.