Saturday, July 13th
Genesis :29-32, 50:15-26. Matthew 10:24-33

Pray to understand the mission of the Son of Man in the Father’s loving purpose for His world and for every one of His beloved sons and daughters: pray that you may be made worthy to receive it and be given grace and power to be obedient in the way offered you and faithful in His love even to the end.

The Son of Man is the only-begotten and loving Son of the Most High, His Word incarnate and His Incarnate Love in time and through eternity The Father’s Word became His Word - Made – Flesh that all might have abundant life who give themselves to Love’s indwelling in and through the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

There is no way to perfection and fulfilment save through obedience to the Father’s will and loving purpose in the grace and power of His Word and in and through His Love. In faith and trust give your whole self to your loving heavenly Father, following in the steps of the Son of Man. It is written in he scriptures, ‘the faithful shall abide with Him in Love.’