Monday, October 22nd
Ephesians 2:1-10. Luke 12:13-21

Let the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will be for you and in your power and your direction. So will Our Holy Spirit lead and guide you in the way through My indwelling. As you die to self and make the Father’s will the linchpin in your life and living so will My risen life be your progress and fulfilment and bring you to the Father in time and through eternity. I, the Father’s word and love incarnate, am the Way, the Truth, the Life offered to every one of His beloved sons and daughters in every place and race and time and dispensation.

All who seek the Father’s will and power to do it in and through Our love are given what they seek and they make progress in eternal life as they continue faithful. Life on earth is for identifying the heavenly Father’s will and doing it in the grace and power of Our love and the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit.

Give yourself constantly to the will and purpose of the Father that you may receive the power, direction and the riches of His love.