Monday, October 1st
Job 1:6-22. Luke 9:46-50

Let it be known and understood by one and all of the beloved sons and daughters of the Most High, father of all born into His world, that they have nothing save that which is given them by and through His love and in remit of His loving purpose. It is His loving purpose that all should have abundant life and, with and through that life, bring life to others as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

All obedient to he Father’s word and faithful in His love have eternal life. Nothing can separate them from the Most High as they continue faithful in the way offered and they know that all things work together for good for those who love God who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

In humility, faith and trust and absolute self-giving offer all you have and all you are to Him who calls you to His loving service in the grace and power of Our indwelling.

I speak to one, I speak to every one.