Tuesday, May 24th
Acts 3:14:19-28. John 14:27-31

Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friend. I, the Son of man, beloved Son of the heavenly Father, laid down My life that all might have life and have it in abundance..

My life is peace and joy to all receiving it in faith and trust and responding to it in absolute self-giving, for as I am in the Father, He in Me, so do I impart His peace in the light and power and joy of My self-giving.

Let the Father’s word be your guide in all things, His love power to follow as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. Constantly recall My promise to all faithful and obedient in Our love: ‘ I am with you always, even to the end of time’ and 'all who are in Me are in the Father too’.