Wednesday, May 11th
Acts 11:1-8. John 6:35-40

All who are in Me and I in them are in the Father too for so He wills and purposes. His will was Mine before time was; in My incarnate life it was My chief commitment and through My death and risen life I – with and through Our Holy Spirit- lead, illumine and empower in the way all who seek to follow as they are led and guided in Our love.

The work and witness of the faithful and obedient in Our love is dear to the heart of the Father: in life, in death I am with all continuing faithful to the end, and sustain them as they put their trust in Me and in the Father’s will and loving purpose.

I, the Father’s loving and beloved Son, His love incarnate and His incarnate word am the Way the Truth, the Life to all faithfully committed in Our love. I am the Bread of Life to all believers, and I feed and nourish all who are in Me and I in them.