Saturday, December 31st
1 John 2:18-21. John 1:1-10

There is no truth save that revealed by the Father’s Word, no life save that given by that same Eternal Word, no Way save that which issues from the Father, offered by Him to one and all of His beloved sons and daughters.

I, begotten by The Father, Lord of All, am The Way, The Truth, The Life to and in the created world and I bring life and light and truth to all responding.

Let one and all listen for The Word spoken in their heart and mind and respond in and through the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love. I am in the Father, He in Me. All who are in Me and I in them glorify the Father in and through My Presence in their heart and mind and are brought to their loving heavenly Father, Lord of All, in time and eternity.