Saturday, December 25th
Christmas Day
Isaiah 52:7-10.Hebrews11-6. John 1:1-18

The light which issues from the Lord of light and life and love shines and has shone in he world and lightens all who respond to it. Issuing from the Father it enters hearts and minds which open to receive it and transforms the sons and daughters of the Most High and brings them into the fulness of His Being as they continue faithful in the way in the grace and power of His love.

I, Son of the Most High, became the Son of Man in My incarnate life: through My life and death and risen life and in the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit all who give themselves to Love’s indwelling are brought to fulfilment in the glorious purpose of the Lord of all and made channels of Our life and light and love in the created world.

Worship and adore, and pray to grow in the grace and power of Our loving.