Saturday, August 9th
Deuteronomy 6:4-11. Matthew 17:14-20

Realise and understand that love of your Heavenly Father in your heart and the desire for the will to serve Him in your mind and heart is the great priority in all things for all who seek the full and perfect life. For this the word was spoken from the beginning to every one born into the world and to family, group and people. For this The Word was born into the Father’s world and lives vibrantly and dynamically in the hearts and minds of all receiving Him in faith and love and trust and in self-giving.

For I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, His Son beloved and loving, enter the soul of each and every one committed to the Father’s will and loving purpose. There I teach and train and heal and lead as I am given leave: and I reach out to others, bringing the Father’s love and extending His loving purpose to the one and many and consolidating His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love in the world of His creation.