Saturday, August 2nd
Leviticus 5:1, 8-17. Matthew 14:1-12

As the Lord and Father speaks to every one of His beloved sons and daughters born into His glorious world so must both mind and heart be rightly orientated to His message, the will committed to His loving purpose. Such are those who seek to follow in the way we lead and guide them in the grace and power of our love. Sin and failures are forgiven and made stepping stones in progress in faithfulness as they are repented and offered to Our forgiving love.

But those who close both mind and heart to the word of truth and righteousness and justice bring upon themselves their own destruction. How may they survive in the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love? Each one who turns and repents I receive and present to the Father through the grace and power of My redeeming love. Let all pray for such and for themselves in the hour of reckoning.