Sunday, May 23rd
Acts 7:55-60. Apoc. 22:12-16. John 17:20-26

Realise My love for you and let that love be released for others. I have come that you may have life and have it in abundance. And that same life is for the one and many in the Father's world according to His will and loving purpose.

The Father's Word Incarnate Who also is Incarnate Love has come into the world to impart knowledge of the Father and to offer all who seek to know and love and serve Him the power and the reward of faithful following.

And I, the Father's Son, beloved and loving, am His Incarnate and Eternal Word, the Alpha and the Omega, the complete and perfect revelation of the Father's love within His world and in and through eternity. And I give Myself to you and to all committed to Our saving, sanctifying love as you commit yourself in love and in self-giving.