Friday, March 19th
St. Joseph
Romans 4:13,16-18. Luke 2:41-51

"As I made Abraham father of a vast and fruitful nation so do I confer on all faithful and obedient in the way the honour of receiving and of sharing the knowledge of My Being and My Presence in My world". So speaks the Father to His beloved sons and daughters in His world.

I am the Father's Word of Knowledge and of Truth and His Salvation to every child of man in every time and place and dispensation. I enter heart and mind of all faithfully committed in Our saving, sanctifying love and bring them to the fullness of the Father's will for them both for their sake and for the Father's beloved sons and daughters near and far.

Be ready at all times to receive the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love within your soul that you may know the fullness of Eternal Life.