Tuesday, March 16th
Daniel 3:25,35-43. Matthew 18:21-36

The children of the Father's love obedient to His will and loving purpose receive the grace to follow where He leads and guides: grace is His love in action. And when they - in their frailty - falter in the way, or fall through failure in their following, He forgives as they desire forgiveness, restoring them and strengthening them in the way. And He looks for them to show to all their fellowmen that compassion, love and understanding which He bestows on them.

Be constantly open to the means the Father offers to all who seek to know His will and loving purpose: I am His Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word. Through following in My steps and receiving all I offer through My death and risen life you are enabled and empowered, cleansed, illumined and inspired. Trust, love and obedience are fruits of Our Abiding Presence in your heart and mind.