Thursday, February 26th
Deuteronomy 30:15-20. Luke 9:20-25

As it is written "O taste and see that the Lord is good: happy is the man who finds refuge in Him." So does it follow - as the psalmist writes, "the Lord ransoms the lives of His servants and none who seek refuge in Him are brought to ruin". Such is the Father's love and promise. Call upon Him ceaselessly in your heart and mind.

But also constantly live in the great challenge of this tremendous truth and revelation, children of the Father, both for yourself and for your friend and neighbour, near and far. I came to earth to live and die that all who will may enter in the knowledge, service, and the joy of sonship of the Father's brotherhood and sisterhood of all faithfully committed in Our love.

Identify with My example, teaching, and in My suffering too. Tetelestai.