Sunday, February 15th
Genesis 2:4b-,15-25. Revel (Apoc) 4. Luke 8:12-25

All things are put into My hand, for so the Father has ordained. So was it in the beginning, so was it down the length and depth of time, and so is it now and shall be till the end. I am the Father's beloved Son, His Word dynamic and revealed down countless ages of recorded and of unrecorded time, His Love-Made-Manifest in human flesh to redeem and save the faithful of all time and peoples, and His Life triumphant, glorified and present in both earth and heaven.

Take Me into heart and mind, beloved of the Father. Contemplate on Eternal Love, all committed to the way Our Holy Spirit guides, and you will come into the fullness of the Father and His Kingdom of Eternal Life which is already present in the Father's glorious world and which opens up to all eternity for the faithful and the true of heart through the power of Our Indwelling.