Sunday, April 6th
Jeremiah 31:31-36. Hebrews 5:7-9. John 12:20-30

The Father speaks His word to every one of His beloved children and makes a covenant with one and all. He calls each one to conscious union with Himself and to fellowship with all within the Kingdom of His love. All are called to know and understand His purpose and do His will in the light and power of His love.

I, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, am His light and power in His created world. I reflect the Father's glory and in My life on earth I showed the way to enter in that glory. And through My death I offer every child of man the prize of My obedience and loving faithfulness. For all who are in Me and I in them are in the Father too - as they continue faithful. This is the glorious mystery of Eternal Love. All are invited to identify with it and, in absolute self-giving, become a dynamic part of it . Through My Indwelling and he light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit all identifying with My suffering and My death will enter in the joy and glory of My risen life.