Thursday, April 17th
Maundy Thursday
Isaiah 6:1-3,6,8-9. Apoc.1:5-6. Luke 4:16-21

Be with Me in the quietness of silent waiting on the Father's will and dedication of My total self in doing it. So will you yourself be shown the way and even so receive the grace and power to follow in My steps And I will become your love and your dynamic in the grace of Our redeeming, sanctifying love - as you continue faithful. For this the Father called Me and endowed Me : to be His love to His most glorious world and to restore it to the fullness of His purpose.

And so it is for all faithfully committed to truth and justice, peace and loving-kindness. I, the food of the wayfaring both save and satisfy the faithful and the true of heart with food of life eternal. All who take of Me are strengthened, orientated and inspired to become and do all the Father purposes.