Maundy Thursday, March 28th
Isaiah 61:1-3,6,8-9. Apoc.1:5-8. Luke 4:16-21

The Father's word is spoken to all people of all times and places, nations, tribes and peoples faiths and races . I am that word made manifest in love and in self-giving for the sins of all: all who take Me into heart and mind take to themselves their soul's salvation. I am the food of their soul's growth and sustenance.

I, the Alpha and the Omega , call all the sons of men to their appointed place in the Father's Kingdom of eternal life and love . I call each faithful follower to be My witness and My Presence in the Father's world . This you will be as you follow to Gethsemane and are faithful in My silent waiting in the Presence of the Father. Be with Me as I suffer on the cross at Golgotha and in the Father's world today. So shall I be with you for ever.