Thursday, March 14th
Exodus 12:7-14. John 5:31-47

I, the Father's Word made manifest in time and through eternity, have opened up His will and loving purpose to the sons of men. Before time was I was with Him in glory, with Him in creation of the human world and His spokesman in the time of man's emergence into rationality. And in the Father's wisdom and compassion for His world He sent Me, His Beloved and Loving, to redeem and save the children of His love; and in humility and love I came .

And through My life. My death. My resurrection and My risen life, I offer the fulfilment of the Father's will and loving purpose to all responding to the word of truth and love in self-giving to the Father and their fellowmen.

Identify with Me in your daily life in all that you encounter. Accept Me into heart and mind and through the power of My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit you will be whole and holy.