Monday, March 27th
Exodus 17:1-7. John 4:5-42

I am the Father's Word Incarnate from the beginning. Through His loving purpose down countless ages I have brought all things to fulfilment in His glorious world . And all the glories of the world are open to the faithfully committed to the truth in love and self-giving.

I am the Father's Love Incarnate from the beginning, drawing all the sons of men into the Kingdom of the Father's love. For this each child of man has been created, but each is given freedom to accept or to refuse his glorious birthright. All life is challenge and for progress in eternal life . : each day is charged with opportunity for growth in faithfulness and commitment . Only believe and trust and ceaselessly praise and thank your Heavenly Father Who makes all things possible according to His will and loving purpose in the power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.