Wednesday, March 22nd
Jeremiah 18:18-20. Matt. 20:17-28

Let all who follow in the way We lead and guide be strong in Us when they meet opposition and disdain. The Father calls each child of man to fellowship and joyful service in His glorious world. But some will always use their personal and material endowments for selfish and self-serving ends - some will follow wickedness and perversity. This willed perversity brings opposition to the good and to those committed to the search of beauty, goodness and integrity. And such opposition inevitably brings suffering: sometimes that suffering falls on the one and many beyond the initial cause of it. And there is cumulative suffering caused by the aggregate of evil in the one and in the many.

My life was offered for the one and for the many in the tremendous cause of man's salvation. Through My obedience to the Father, My suffering, My death and risen life, salvation is the gift for all who will accept it . All who identify with My eternal offering to the Father are one with Us and in the fellowship of vicarious suffering.