Tuesday, August 15th
The Feast of the Assumption
Apoc. 11:19,12:1-6,10. 1 Cor. 15:20-26. Luke 1:39-56

Praise and glorify the Father in all things past and present and in all things still to be fulfilled. Identify with His most glorious will and loving purpose for all within His world and in the whole of His creation. Realise and understand the Father's love from the beginning for all His sons and daughters whom He has created for the joy of being and of sharing in the challenge of creating through what they are and do and through commitment to the total cosmic operation. Trace the Father's loving kindness in creation and in raising men and women in all times and places to understand and , through their free co-operation - to lead the children of His love to fulfilment in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love. Pray for all who have rejected this great challenge and for those weak in commitment and in purpose. Regard the life and pattern of the gracious, humble and obedient woman who became the Mother of the Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love. She was My guardian and My human counsellor in early years, present at My death, the first to understand the power and meaning of redemption. Now she ceaselessly offers her Beloved Son to the loving Heavenly Father - the only perfect human offering ever made . And ceaselessly she prays for every child of man and - through the power of Our saving, sanctifying love - seeks to build, restore, and bring along the way each one as each responds in love and faithfulness.