Monday, March 6th
Jesus said, "So you will not believe unless you see signs and wonders"
John 4:43-54

Let the children of the Father who inhabit His world today lay seriously to heart the unbelief of the masses and their unawareness of the great destiny to which they re called. Many do indeed serve through the integrity of their hearts and minds and many through loving, sacrificial self-giving. But the vast number of Western sons and daughters of the Father live their lives unaware of the joy and the potential and the challenge of the Kingdom of light. And the next generation of the Father's children will be further removed from understanding in depth because of the wandering and waywardness of the contemporary sojourners on the earth. What can bring the Father's beloved children into the consciousness of His love and of His loving purpose for them? Signs and wonders? Curious phenomena in their comings and goings? Such have never brought men and women to the serious confrontation of reality, though they have caused a few to wonder and consider. The way to salvation and joy and fulfilment for the one and the many in this life and the next is clear and open, fortified at every stage by Our love and the guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Regard the nobleman who sought healing for the son whom he loved. His deep caring brought him to seeking beyond himself the help he needed. He believed in the power of Divine Love. He trusted and acted in obedience . And not only was his son healed but all His large family and household became committed children of their heavenly Father in and through My saving love.