Tuesday, November 21st
2 Maccabees 6:18-31. Luke 19:1-10

‘Sacrifice and salvation are means and fulfilment to and in eternal life, and eternal life is the Father’s desire for every one of His beloved sons and daughters born into His created world’ - the words of a faithful one not infrequently repeated by one and many subject to tyranny and death. ‘Whatever agonies of body I now endure - and in my soul - I am glad to suffer because of awe which He inspires in me (2 Macc.6). Love embraces, holds and brings the faithful and the true of heart in life through death and into the fulness of eternal life in the Presence of the Father loving King and Lord of all creation.

Then give all you have and all you are and offer your very soul to Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. So will the Father’s loving purpose for you and in you be fulfilled and you will take your place in the Father’s Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love with all who have continued faithful in the Way.