Saturday, June 24th
Birth of John the Baptist
Isaiah 49:1-6. Acts 13:22-26. Luke:1:57-66,80

In humility, love, and in self-giving prepare yourself in the Name of the Most High, the grace and power of His beloved and loving Son and the offering of your mind and heart though Our loving Holy Spirit.

It is the will and loving purpose of the Father Lord Most High, that all born into His world should know and love and serve Him and become His love in His created world according to His will and loving purpose, and seek obedience to His will in faithfulness in and through Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Follow in the steps of the Son of Man, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, and in obedience to the Father’s Word and faithfulness in and through His Love. So will We will bring you to progress in the Way and perfection and fulfilment in the fulness of eternity in fellowship with all made perfect in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.