
Friday, May 1st
St. Joseph

Genesis 1:26-2:3. Matthew 12:54-58. (John 14:1-6)

The Word was made flesh through the love of the Most High entering in the centre of the being of one chosen by the Most High to reveal and be His love in His created world. Through her obedience and faithfulness, supported by him who was given her to tend and train in childhood and in youth, the Father’s beloved Son became His Word and Love Incarnate.

In the toil and stress of daily life the Father’s will was done; in and through the love of family and the joys of relationship to the Father and to one another I grew into the fulness of the Son of Man and obedience to the Father’s will and loving purpose.

Welcome Me, abide in Me that We may bring you to obedience and faithfulness to the Father in time and through eternity..