Wednesday, March 4th
Jeremiah 18:1-20. Mathew 2o:17-28

‘Pray for My world, for one and all and for all together, that increasingly the sons and daughter of My love may come into My Presence and, through My saving, sanctifying love, progress in life eternal and come to perfection and fulfilment in the fullness of eternity’. So speaks the Most High, father of all born into His world and I, His Word and Love Incarnate am The Way, The Truth, The Life in time and through eternity.

Draw near in faith and trust and absolute self-giving to the Light, the Life, The Truth through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Identify with the Son of Man in your comings and your goings: be with Me in Gethsemane and follow Me to Golgotha. Such is your challenge, your privilege and your great reward, with all the faithful and obedient to the Father’s will and loving purpose for one and all.