Saturday, June 20th
2 Corinthians 12:1-10. Matthew 6:19-25

In faith and trust and absolute self-giving offer all you have and all you are and all you undertake each day to the Father, Lord Most High and to His will and loving purpose. He will guide and direct you, through Our Holy Spirit, and I, His Word and love Incarnate, will be your power to continue and make progress in the Way as you continue faithful and obedient in Our love.

The trials and tribulations of this fleeting world are temporary and can become a means of your perfection and fulfilment as you offer them – with yourself – to your loving heavenly Father whose Son, loving and beloved, died and was raised up by the Father and is both strength and power to all who seek the Father’s will and loving purpose and follow faithfully in the way in and through then grace and power of Our Indwelling.