Saturday, December 26th
St. Stephen
Acts 6:8-10. 7:54-59. Matthew 10:17-22

The grace of God is in the faithful and the true of heart, the power of God His love in action. All continuing faithful to the end witness to the Most High, for He is their faithfulness in action. The heavens are continually open to those witnessing the Father’s Word: they see the Father’s glory and the Son of Msn at His right hand strengthening them and drawing them to His Presence.

The emptiness of the heart and mind rejecting Truth and refusing the Father’s Word and Love is the seed-bed for the entry into the mind and heart of hate and destruction, for the mind is closed to truth and seeks to destroy what it does not understand, or understanding shuns the light and power for good offered.

All that is necessary is given to those continuing faithful the end. ‘The one who endures to the end will be saved’ and their hope is full of immortality.