Sunday, August 2nd
Exodus 16:2-4,12-15. Ephesians 4:17,20-24. John 6:24-35

‘Love endowed with power, power subordinate to Love’: such is the miracle the Father offers you and every one of His beloved sons and daughters who give themselves to Love’s indwelling according to His will and loving purpose. Such is the miracle of all times and situations: relate to it. Pray for Love and seek to live in Love and give yourself to Love’s indwelling through Love’s power and reality and the dynamic of Our Eternal Presence.

Believe and trust that the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will be fulfilled in you and that you come to the fulness of His Presence in eternity with all made perfect in and through the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.

‘I am the Bread of Life ‘.