Sunday, August 11th
Wisdom 18:6-9. Hebrews 1:1-2,8-19. Luke 12:32-48

The ground plan for your salvation has been made, the work begun, and all the beloved sons and daughters of the Most High are called to build on that foundation through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. As the forbears of the sons of men were brought out of slavery and bondage so are all the redeemed and sanctified who follow in the steps of the Son of Man in faith and trust and self-giving. The Kingdom of the living, loving Lord of All is offered to one and all who seek and knock and enter in and respond in love and faith and trust to the unveiling of the mystery which will be revealed to them as they continue faithful. And they will become part of the fulfilment of the will and loving purpose of the Father, Lord Most High.

Rejoice, then, with your brothers and your sisters in this world and in the heavenly homeland. And continue faithfully in the way We open up to you as you respond in faith and trust and love to Our light and leading. And remember My words to My servant Paul, ‘My strength is sufficient for you, My power is made perfect in weakness’. Acknowledge your weakness and receive My strength.
(2 Corinthians 12:9)