Monday, July 9th
Hosea 2:16, 17-18,21-22. Matthew 9:18-26

You and every one of the sons and daughters of your heavenly Father are loved as though there were no other. His word is offered to every one of His beloved sons and daughters to become their power to know and love Him and – through His word – become His love to one and all in His world and to His whole creation.

Listen to the Father’s word spoken to and in your heart and mind and written in the Scriptures, and recognise His word in others, whether vibrant from Our Presence in them or waiting for your faithfulness in Us to reflect Our love through My indwelling. I, the Father’s word and love incarnate, with and through Our Holy Spirit, am the Father’s Presence in His world.

I am the Father healing love to all who call upon His Name and seek His will in faith and trust and self-giving and I bring all who are in Me and I in them to the Father and to perfection and fulfilment in the fulness of eternity.

I, the Father’s love incarnate and His incarnate word am the Resurrection and the Life.