Monday, September 26th
Zechariah 6:1-8. Luke 9:46-50

The Most High, creator and sustainer of all things in earth and heaven, father of each and every one born into His world, calls one and all to His Presence both alone and in the fellowship of meeting.

Let there be opening of mind and heart in humility and self-giving and a searching for the sound of gentle stillness that the King of Glory may come in. The word of the Most High is spoken to the faithful and the pure in heart who, acknowledging His Presence, offer all they have and all they are to His will and loving purpose. The loving purpose of the Most High is to draw Hs beloved sons and daughters into the Kingdom of His light and life and love and through His Saving Love and power of His Holy Spirit bring them to perfection and fulfilment in His Presence in fellowship with all faithfully committed in His love . Such is His loving purpose for one and all in time and through eternity.

‘In returning and rest you will be saved, in quietness and shall be your strength’.