Sunday, January 23rd
Isaiah 8:23-9:3. 1 Cor. 1:110-13 17, Matthew 4:12-23

The truth unfolds, the present reveals and the future opens for the launching and progression of the Father’s incarnate love and Hs incarnate word in the world of His creation. The glory of the Lord of All, Father of all born into the world, is increasingly revealed by the light which came and continually comes into the hearts and minds, communities and nations responding to the truth revealed and the love offered.

To progress in truth and to unite in bonds of love I, beloved and loving Son of the loving heavenly Father, came in time and - with and through the grace and power of Our redeeming love - bring to perfection and fulfilment in the glorious Presence of the Lord of All and in fellowship with all faithful in Our love all who follow in the way the Father offers, nourished by The Word and led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.