Tuesday, October 12th
Galatians 1:13-24. Luke 10:10-38

The Father’s loving purpose for His whole creation was conceived before time was or anything created. So did it embrace the high intent that the sons and daughters of His love who sought redemption from their failure to aspire to it should find salvation through His Incarnate Love and the dynamic of Our Holy Spirit as they were faithful in His light and leading.

All responding to their heavenly Father’s word are made whole and holy through His love as they pursue the way offered to them in faith and trust and self-giving. Each beloved child of the Father so responding is brought into the progress and perfection of the Father’s will for them in the context of the whole as they continue faithful.

Praise, thank and glorify your loving heavenly Father and pray to be found faithful to the end And pray for the fulfilment of the Father’s loving purpose in His whole creation.