Friday, November 5th
Romans 15:14-21 Luke16:1-8

You are graciously and lovingly invited to become a means of others identifying the Father’s will and loving purpose through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit: I speak to all who seek truth and power to walk in it in steadfastness and self-giving. The light of the Most High radiates the way for all who pray that the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will be done in and through them, His love received and known by all to whom He sends them. Such is the lifetime’s commission offered to one and all who seek to follow faithfully and obediently as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. Be challenged, inspired and empowered by the example and the ministry of the Son of Man who became the means of salvation to the Father’s whole creation and who offers participation In the glorious purpose to all who give themselves in faith and trust to Love’s indwelling.