Tuesday, June 15th
1 Kings 21:17-29. Matthew 5:43-48

Those who hate or fail to help others in their need are not true children of their loving heavenly Father. They have rejected the grace and power offered in their life and living and refused the Father’s word and love within their heart and mind. In desiring and seeking the Father’s will and loving purpose true joys are to be found - in fulfilling it the children of His love become His true sons and daughters and learn to serve Him faithfully in the grace and power of Our love and – through Him and Our indwelling - they are given to love and serve each other in the way. I, the Father’s Love Incarnate and His incarnate Word, am truth and power to love the Father and all He creates in His most glorious world.

Pray, then, that Love may grow and prosper every thought and action and relationship and increase in all hearts and minds, in communities and peoples.