Monday, March 17th
Isaiah 42:1-7. John 12:1-11

‘My love brought forth My Son before time was or anything created and I endowed Him with the power of My creative love in all that was created and to become My power of re-creation.’

So speaks the Father in time and through eternity. And as I am His love to all creation so am I His word and – with Our loving Holy Spirit – the dynamic of all that is becoming. In time I entered the created world and through the power of My life and death redeemed it. All born into the Father’s world in every race and place and time are offered the fruits of My redemption through the grace and power of My risen life and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Let the beauty and fragrance of your life in Me bear witness to the Father’s all-pervading, all-embracing love as you commit yourself with humility, joy and self-giving.