Monday, December 22nd
1 Samuel 1:24-28. Luke1:46-56

Born into the heart and mind I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, enter the soul of every one who seeks truth and power to walk it. There I grow as I did in the womb of My beloved Mother and, in due time, I bring forth the fruits of the Father’s will and loving purpose.

Let the joy and power and generosity of the Father’s love so grow in you that to become a fruit of My indwelling. So shall we bring you to that perfection which was in the Father’s heart from the beginning and enable you to contribute to the Father’s Kingdom where you are. I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters in every place and race and dispensation. I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love am the Way, the Truth the Life.