Thursday, June 14th
2 Corinthians 3:15-4:1, 3-6. Matthew 5:20-28

Light has been in the Father’s world from the beginning. It is His Presence in all that is and was and ever shall be. I am the light in the world of men: so have I been from the beginning. I, who emanated from the Father’s Being before time was, or anything created, was the Father’s word in the faithful of all times and places. In the Father’s time I entered the human world and identified in all but sin with the human situation. I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and His Incarnate Love am the light and life and truth to all who will receive Me and follow where I lead and guide in the grace and power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

Such is the light which shines in every mind and heart obedient in the way. It is the light of My Presence, radiating the light of the knowledge of the Father’s glory, revealing His loving purpose for the one and many in His glorious world and illumining the way to life eternal in Eternal Love.