Sunday, February 19th
Is. 45:18-19, 21-22, 24-25. 2 Cor.1:18-22. Mark 2:1-12
Proverbs 8:22-31

Live each moment in the assurance and the constancy and the promise of the Eternal Word and the joy of Incarnate Love. You are made partaker and commissioned in Our love to take and be Our dynamic word and love to others as you are faithful and obedient in the way. Let Us proclaim through you - as through all faithfully committed in Our saving, sanctifying love - the joy and power and glory of life in Him who calls each child of man into his Presence. So shall We enable you to be Our healing and enwholing power to others in the Father's world according to His will and loving purpose.

Sing 'amen' constantly in the deep places of your heart and mind and pray 'maranatha' ceaselessly in your coming and your going.