Sunday, September 26th
1 Corinthians 1: Sunday, September 26th. Amos 6:1,4-7.1
Timothy 6:11-16. Luke 15:10-31

You are given a share in the Father's bounty, offered a reflection of His glory. So are all the sons of men in every faith and place and time. And all are called to constant generosity and sharing of that bounty with the one and many near and far. The act of sharing multiples the potential of compassion and of growth in individual and community, and reveals the face and power of Love.

All are accountable to Him who has created and is constantly creating. Each beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father is judged by his intentions and his actions and becomes that which his mind and heart have prompted both in being and in action. Our saving, sanctifying love is ceaselessly at hand offering renewal, enabling and empowering.

Pray Maranatha.