Monday, November 15th
Apoc. 1:1-4,2:1-5. Luke 18:35-45

As I spoke to My servant John so do I speak to many. And my messages are recorded, guarded by My messengers of light and offered to the sons of men in every generation, place, tradition and situation. Test them carefully: if they commend themselves to heart and mind take them into the centre of your soul. Live by them and pray for wisdom, understanding and opportunities to share them with your friends and neighbours and all whom you encounter in the way. My chief message is that you grow daily stronger in the way of love; love for the Father and love for the one and many whom you daily meet and for all whom We enable you to help.

And pray for inner sight, beloved of the Father, and the unveiling of the mysteries of truth which the Father yearns to give to each and every one.