Sunday, December 5th
Isaiah 11:1-10. Romans 15:4-9. Matthew 3:1-12

The Father's Word has been in His glorious world from the beginning: through His Word the world was and is continually created. The Word has brought truth and understanding to the mind of man, integrity and wisdom. And in the Father's time, The Word took human flesh ad lived a human life in all its fullness.

And that same word is challenge, opportunity and perfection for the sons of men for the one and for the many. As each one receives The Word within the heart and mind and responds in love and in self-giving he is gradually transformed and brought into the fullness of eternal life as he continues faithful. But at all time he is free to accept or to refuse his glorious heritage: his faithfulness gives freedom. He is judged by Love who is the Father's Saving Word for every one who accepts Him.