Wednesday, August 25th
St. Joseph Calasanz

(Isaiah 58:6-11, Matt. 22:35-40. St. Louis)
1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13. Matt. 18:1-5

Receive the gift of love the Father offers, beloved of the Father: it is the greatest gift the world has ever known. In receiving it you are bestowed with the dynamic of its grace and power. And it becomes your means of loving others as it is poured into you.

As you identify the Source of grace through love's presence in your heart ands mind so do you receive the understanding of the need for single-mindedness and humility- yes, and joy in giving and receiving. Let your soul jump with joy and your heart sing in sheer abandon to Love's presence in your soul. I, the Father's Love Incarnate flood the whole being of all faithfully committed in love and in self-giving.